The relationship between massage and performance
17 Nov 2016, Posted by Blog Articles inI’m sure everyone is done with the “I can’t believe it’s November already” and “when will winter end?” conversations, so I’m not going to bother. I’d rather be more positive and check in, say hi and remind you that although it is getting to THAT time of year, there is no reason why you can’t continue on your fitness pursuits and health goals.
Sure there may be one too many party pies or beverages consumed here and there, which there probably was during Melbourne’s Spring Racing Carnival last week, but don’t beat yourself up about it. Own it, deal with it and move on – just keep going. Life is all about balance and often things slide even with the best intentions; “shit happens” as they say!
I am often asked about the relationship between massage and performance and wrote this piece just recently. Click here to get the rundown.
I’m happy to say Pivot Health is continuing to grow and slowly getting to where I’ve envisaged the business to be; bit by bit, day by day. It’s always been part of the plan for Pivot to coach people in living the best life possible – in optimum health, at ultimate performance.
Next Friday I start my Health & Wellness Coaching Course with Wellness Coaching Australia. As a Health Coach, I will be able to support clients in working out what they want, why they want it, what’s stopping them and only then together create a plan for action. I am actually really looking forward to attending the course to create a plan for myself! The focus is on facilitation, rather than prescription; empowering the client to take more responsibility and achieve more significant change/goals than they would on their own. Stay tuned for more news regarding this, but so far, 2017 is already shaping up to be another great year for Pivot Health.