Health benefits of Vitamin D

01 Sep 2015, Posted by Dougie in Blog Articles

So it’s official  – it has been a colder than usual Melbourne winter; the coldest  in 26yrs apparently. Personally I’ll be glad to see the back of winter, as I am not a huge fan of the cold. I am a summer dude and nothing excites me more than getting out and about in the heat and sunshine – beach, barbies, daylight saving, bring it on I say!

Spring is to be enjoyed and is the season I like to take advantage of to prime my body ready for summer. It’s a great time of the year to begin getting your health and exercise regime into shape. Lighter mornings/longer days + warmer temperatures give way to laying off the snooze button and introducing more salads/raw foods into your diet, not to mention increased sunlight hours – great for increasing those vitamin D levels!

Vitamin D is so important for musculoskeletal health – even more so to help get your fitness regime off to a good start and help prevent injury. Here are some health benefits of Vitamin D:

  1. Aids the intestine in absorbing nutrients such as calcium and phosphorous ensuring strong bones and a strong immune system
  2. Prevents osteomalacia which causes weakness of the muscular system and brittle bones
  3. Provides calcium balance helping prevent osteoporosis or arthritis
  4. Regulates blood pressure, reduces stress & tension, relieves body aches and pains by reducing muscle spasms, aids in insulin secretion + helps fight depression..

Sources: milk, eggs, salmon, mackerel, mushrooms, sardines, tuna, yoghurt, cheese, beef or calf liver, cereals, grains and SUNLIGHT! I also take a supplement by BioCeuticals available from
